Monday, July 14, 2008

What it might look like for China to annex Taiwan

Here is a good article by Li Thian-Hok 李天福 about what very likely will happen to Taiwan if it is annexed by China. Forewarned is forearmed.  It is time to act now before it is too late. We must work to prevent Taiwan from having to face such a terrible and unjust situation.

One key point made in the article worth repeating is that once China has annexed Taiwan, it will no longer feel the need to treat Macao and Hong Kong with any kind of leeway.  Even their freedoms that they still have will be taken away. To think about corrupt government officials of China's dictatorship getting their hands on what used to be classified as private property in Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan really puts a perspective on the freedom that is at stake.

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